Sunday, May 2, 2010

The An-Nur Kota Raya Mosque (Malay: Masjid An-Nur Kota Raya) is the only mosque in Malaysia which is located in a shopping complex. It is situated in Plaza Kota Raya, Johor Bahru. It is owned by Johor Corporation (J-Corp), the Johor state government's investment arm. While the mosque is not the only mosque in Malaysia that is fully air-conditioned, it is still a unique feature of the mosque. As it is located in a shopping complex, the mosque has the privilege of having a KFC restaurant below it.

有 超 过 一 百 廿 年 历 史 的 柔 佛 古 庙 , 座 落 在 直 律 街 , 背 山 面 海 , 居 高 临 下 , 雄 视 新 山 市 区 。传 说 它 是 由 十 九 世 纪 柔 佛 州 著 名 港 主 陈 旭 年 等 先 贤 倡 建 。 虽 然 没 有 碑 记 可 考 其 年 份 , 但 庙 中 现 存 有 两 件 文 物 :匾 额 和 铜 钟 , 前 者 书 “ 同 治 庚 午 ” ( 公 元 1870 年 ),后 者 刻 有 “ 同 治 乙 亥 年 ” ( 公 元 1875 年 ),说 明 了 柔 佛 古 庙 最 少 已 有 一 百 廿 六 年 的 历 史 。

每 年 农 历 正 月 廿 日 众 神 出 巡 , 一 连 三 天 之 游 神 盛 会 , 为 新 山 市 年 年 循 例 举 行 之 盛 事 。 柔 佛 古 庙 是 新 山 五 帮 华 人 共 同 膜 拜 的 寺 庙 , 它 是 早 期 新 山 华 社力 量 凝 聚 的 核 心 组 织 , 正 如 后 期 的 华 侨 公 所 , 和 目前 的 中 华 公 会 , 为 新 山 华 裔 同 胞 最 高 的 领 导 机 构 。

The Holy Light Church was founded by a young missionary from the Presbyterian Church of England, Reverend John Cook in 1886. Then, Cook was much assisted by a Scotsman, Datuk James Meldrum, who was the son-in-law of Reverend Benjamin Keasberry, a tutor to Sultan Abu Bakar. The church grounds in Jalan Gertak Merah were given by the late Sultan. At the time, the Sunday worship services comprised Chinese (Teochew) and English sessions, and many British civil servants and servicemen based in Johor Baru attended them.However, when Meldrum passed away in 1908, the English service also came to a halt. It was not until August 1952 that the new resident moderator of the church, Reverend George Hood, revived the English service. Between 1952 and 1973, foreign missionaries -- Hood, Richard Shad, Robert Elder, Derek Gill, Gilbert Lum, Cecil Gracey, Donald Elliot and Robert Irving -- continued to minister the English-speaking congregation as it was difficult to find an Asian who was prepared to serve as a pastor.Their prayers for an Asian to take over the ministry were finally answered in December 1973 when Yeo, then 31 years old and a former secondary school teacher who had just graduated from the Singapore Bible College, was inducted as a preacher of the English service. Hood, 92, who now lives in Scotland, later wrote that when the hopes of getting an Asian pastor were realised, it was like rain falling on dry ground, bringing new life and growth of the seeds that the foreign missionaries had planted. Then on Aug 31, 1979, Yeo was officially ordained as the church's first Asian minister.

Gudwara Sahib, The Sikhs settled in the State of Johor in the late 19th Century. On 5th April 1916, the Sikhs requested for a piece of land from the Johor Police Commissioner to build a Sikh Gurdwara. On 10th February 1921, the present site was gazetted as a temple reserve. This land was very muddy and swampy. The Sikhs filled up the land with sand and stones and upon this they constructed their first Sikh Gurdwara in late 1921.

The Arulmigu Raja Mariamman temple, the first Hindu temple in Johor Baru, at Jalan Ungku Puan was built on land granted by Sultan Ibrahim who also donated money for its construction -- thus, the title "Raja". It was officially opened by Sultan Ibrahim in 1912.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Church of the Immaculate Conception (CICjb). This historic and the oldest of Church of Johor Bahru was built in the year or 1927 by the late Rev. Fr. C. Saleilles, M. AP. The Original Church was built in the year 1883 and was named as the “Our Lady of Lourdes”. CICjb is an active centre of Catholic life and prayer in the heart of Johor Bahru City. The Roman Catholic priests continue their tradition of preaching, personal instruction, sacramental life and pastoral care extending well beyond the geographical boundaries of Johor Bahru.